Friday, July 30, 2010

Holly's new colorful mobile...

I wanted to make Holly a mobile for her room when i was pregnant with her...but never got around to it, this week i found a great tutorial for a polka dots crib mobile from this site - and decided to try it out. I changed a few things..i did two different sizes of dots, and i did a zig zag stitch down the dots and ribbons which made the ribbon have a little twist which i really like. I think the mobile turned out great and cost me under $10 to make!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Holly's Birth Story

(during labour)

On the morning of Saturday July 3rd as i was reading in bed waiting for Logan to wake up i started timing Braxton Hicks contractions that where very intense, they where coming every 10 minutes but didn't hurt. We just went about our day and made some cookies, went to a Farmers Market with my mom and also the park with my parents. The Braxton Hicks where still coming all day, not hurting and not getting any closer. At 8 pm i had a cup of Raspberry Leaf tea, i'm not sure if this helped anything along or what, but at 10 pm the contractions started to hurt a bit, they where still 10 minutes apart, so i just tried to fall alseep but our neighbor was blasting music, so i finished sewing up a bib for an order and worked on changing my shoe patterns a little. I think around 11 pm Dustin got home and wanted to get right to the hospital, i said lets just wait until 12 and see what's going 12 they where still 10 minutes apart and hurting a little more so i then said lets just wait until 1 and see, at some point between 12 and 1 we both fell alseep, i woke up in pain sometime just before 2 am, i sat and timed the contractions which where 5 minutes apart and painful, Dustin called my parents to come over and be there for Logan in the morning and i took a hot bath, the hot water felt good on my stomach as i was getting contractions. We left for the hospital and got there sometime around 3 am, the contractions where now 3 minutes apart, we spent a few minutes in the triage, where i was checked and told to be 6 cm dilated and then where moved to a labour/delivery room. Around 3:45 am my water broke during a contaction and by about 4:25 am i said i needed to push, the nurse checked me and said i was 10 cm, got things ready and the doctor came in, i remember only pushing through one contraction and she was out at 4:29 am and placed on my chest. I am very happy to have been able to have another natural drug free delivery as well as not having to get stiches this time, after delivery i felt pretty good! I did forget just how much the contactions do hurt and that intense feeling of needing to push, but i think i did a good job of breathing through it. Dustin was a huge help as well, he was always beside me and let me hold and squeeze his hand through contactions, when i said i didn't think i could do this again nautrally he told me i had done it once before so he knew i could. We stayed in the hospialt for the day on Sunday and got to go home on Sunday night, just 15 hours after she was born. Our first night at home was very nice, Holly is a great calm and sleepy baby. We are so happy she is part of our life now!

Holly Emma Grace Andreasen

July 4th 4:29 am

6 lbs. 8 ounces

49 cm long

Friday, July 2, 2010

38 weeks...


I had my 38 week doctors appointment yesterday and everything looks good, i weigh the same as last week, 119 lbs and am measuring at 38, baby is still head down. Babies heartbeat was 135, she kept moving around so it took a while for the doctor to get a good rate, at one point she said she was listening to it through the placenta because of the wooshing noise it was making, that was pretty neat to hear. I get to go back next Wednesday and she said she would do a sweeping for me, i will be 38 weeks and 5 days, i had a sweeping done with Logan at 38 weeks and 5 days at the doctors in the morning and he was born that night at 9:18pm so i'm hoping it works again this time too!

Logan is pretty much potty trained, but still wears a diaper at night and it's usually a little wet in the mornings. If we are at home he will say "pee please" when he needs to go, but does get distracted if we are somewhere else so you need to keep asking him if he needs to go. He is great about pooing in his potty too! He loves being outside, so i'm trying to take him out as much as i can..right now my allergies are really bothering me and i can't take any medication so it's a little harder for me. We did have some nice time outside in his pool last week.